Thursday, 21 April 2022

Samuel Dix: Land Record - Lot 11 Concession 9 - No. 2505 - 1844


Memorial Number: No. 2505 (v. 311)

Entered and registered 
this 21st day of April A.D. 1844 at 12:15 o'clock 
JH Dunsford Reg 

No. 2505 (v. 311, page 154)

No 2505 (v, 311, page 155)

No. 2505 

Entered and registered this 21st day of April A.D. 1844 at 12:15 o'clock J H Dunsford Reg

Duplicate for Registration. We Sheweth McS_____ Moffatt and Edward Lefroy Cull of the city of Toronto in the county of York and Province of Ontario Canada Esquires the Attorneys of the Canada Company incorporated under and by virtue of an Act made and passed in the Sixth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth entitled "An Act to enable His Majesty to grant to a Company, to be incorporated by Charter, to be called 'The Canada Company,' certain lands in the Province of Upper Canada, and to invest the said Company with certain powers and privileges, and for other purposes relating thereto" being  constituted and appointed such attorneys by virtue and in pursuance of an Act passed in the ninth Year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth entitled "An act to alter and amend an Act for enabling His Majesty to grant to a Company to be Incorporated by Charter to be called "The Canada Company" certain Lands in the Province of Upper Canada" do hereby in consideration of the sum of one hundred and Twenty Five Pounds lawful money of (Canada) the Province of Canada to us as such Attorneys as aforesaid paid grant and release to Samuel Dix of the Township of Mariposa County of Victoria and Province aforesaid Farmer all that certain parcel or tract of Land situate as follows. Composing the North half of Lot Eleven in the Ninth concession of the said Township of Mariposa containing by admeasurement one hundred acres of Land be the same more or less and all the right title and interest of the said Canada Company to and in the same and Every part thereof Excepting and reserving to the said Company their successors and assigns all mines and quarries of metals and minerals and all springs of oil in or under the said Land whether already discovered or not with liberty of ingress, egress, and regress, to and for the said Company their successors lessees, licensees, and assigns in order to search for work, win, and carry away the same and for these purposes to make and use all needful roads and other works doing no other unnecessary damage and making reasonable compensation for all damages actually occasioned his heirs and assigns For ever To have and to hold the Land Samuel Dix  In witness whereof we the said ______ ______ Moffatt and Edward Lefroy Cull have hereunto subscribed our hands as Attorneys of the said Canada Company and affixed our Seal of Office at the city of Toronto in the Province of Canada this Fifth day of March in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy Seven in duplicate 
Signed Sealed and delivered 
In the presence of 
W. F Allin
E. A. Nash
Sh M Moffatt
Edw Lefroy Cull 

The Toronto Directory and Street Guide for 1843-44 (page 104)
Cull Ed., clerk in Canada Company's office, Palace street (page 31)

Samuel Dix was born 29 February 1808 in Huntingdonshire, England, the son of John Dix & Mary Bland. Samuel Dix died 22 October 1883 in Whitchurch, Ontario, Canada. 

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